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I am Nischal Shetty
I am a software developer turned entrepreneur. I am passionate about Crypto, Blockchain and innovative products in this sector.
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Successful companies are built by people who refuse to give up in the face of failure and push themselves further.
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Like helpful tweets?
Networking is a key to achieve greater success. Twitter is like my morning beverage - my day starts with a tweet.
Volatility is part of life
It does not matter at what stage you are in, whether you are on Day 1 of building your startup or Day 1000, hurdles are always going to be a part of life.
Giving Back to the community has been a privilege
Advocating #IndiaWantsCrypto
In 2018, when there were too many restrictions on cryptocurrency exchanges, I realized the reason for the banking ban was majorly due to the lack of awareness about cryptocurrency and blockchain. I started thinking about how to solve that, how to make everyone aware of cryptocurrency and its underlying advantages. That’s when I started tweeting daily about #IndiaWantsCrypto about how cryptocurrency could benefit India, and the adoption happening around the world.
If there are more people joining the revolution, I believe that will be noticed by the Indian regulators, which would help us as a community, achieve a bigger goal, i.e., positive cryptocurrency regulation in India.
During the second wave of COVID-19, I saw my closed ones getting affected, and saw how bad it can be. It created havoc in the world, and India had one of the highest number of cases. And that’s when I thought of helping with a small gesture through WazirX.
I have been always involved in supporting startups in India by being an advisor. Through my experience of building two large companies, I want to assist the budding startups excel. I am not only looking at cryptocurrency entrepreneurship, but also other ideas that can help India grow.
Articles by me
I like sharing my opinions on technology, innovations and development. Every article I write is a product of my own research and experience.
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